Dr Neal D. Barnard

  • 專科醫生
  • 臨床研究員
  • 作者
  • 喬治華盛頓大學醫學院兼職醫學副教授
  • 在醫學雜誌撰文


  • Physician 
  • Clinical Researcher 
  • Author 
  • Adjunct associate professor of medicine at the George Washington University School 
  • Appeared articles in medical magazine 

As a doctor, I want to say that my life is much easier with companies like Saladmaster® around, because even we know how to do prescriptions for medications and surgical procedures. But when it comes to working in the kitchen, Saladmaster® is our best friend. When people want to change their diet, one of the best kinds of help they can get is good cooking tools and Saladmaster® is the top of the line. If you ́re want to have food be very tasty and delicious and also healthy that Saladmaster® is the leader. 

Dr Nandita Shah

  • 2016 年 Nari Shakti 獎獲得者
  • 作者
  • 順勢療法導師
  • 專科醫生


  • Recipient of Nari Shakti Award 2016 
  • Author
  • Homeopathic mentor 
  • Physician

I have conducted cooking classes in all kinds of hotels and restaurants and have used all kinds of cooking utensils. But now that I have Saladmaster®, I take it with me wherever I can. I don’t like to cook in anything else. Saladmaster® cooks foods at lower temperatures, thus the foods are fresher and have more nutrients. I just love the way they taste. I cook without oil, and Saladmaster’s® thick pots are great because the food does not stick. 

I would highly recommend Saladmaster® to anyone serious about their family’s long-term health. But remember, once you have a set you won’t want to cook with anything else!

Robert G. Wright

  • 美國抗癌機構的始創人及總裁
  • 作者:Killing Cancer not People

“扔掉鋁製和其他塗層的炊具。 選購 Saladmaster® 炊具 – 它是最好的。”

  • The Founder and Director of the America Anti-Cancer Institution
  • Author : Killing Cancer not People

“Throw away Aluminium cookware and other coated. Checkout Saladmaster® cookware – It’s the best.”